Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Goal A Process of Ongoing Improvement Essay Example for Free

The Goal A Process of Ongoing Improvement Essay The two authors are finalising the first comprehensive bibliography on the Theory of Constraints (TOC)[23] which is to be published by North River Press, the publishers of several works on TOC, most notably Eli Goldratt’s seminal works [l l-171, such as The Goal, It’s Not Luck, and Critical Chain. Based on our extensive search of the literature, this talk will draw on examples of applications of TOC, and summae important findings on the theory and practice of TOC. Although initially a manufacturing method, TOC has now developed into a theory about management: a powerful systemic problem structuring and problem solving methodology which can be used to develop solutions with both intuitive power and analytical rigour. TOC is increasingly being applied to situations outside the manufacturing context, including distribution, marketing, project management, accounting in fact, any situation involving change to a system. 1 Introduction The main motivation for the research reported in this paper was the realisation that TOC is growing very rapidly, and we simply did not know what was â€Å"out there†; ie what had already been tackled. Hence our mission two years ago was to conduct a literature search to identify recent works (mostly post 1990). This search has culminated in an annotated bibliography, which is to be published shortly by North River Press [23]. Alongside this literature research grew a Masters thesis, pulling all this material together, both the theory and the practice. [2] This paper will first briefly outline the background to TOC, and then report on the practice-related material from the survey of published applications and the findings. Readers wishing to gain the benefit of a fuller treatment of this material for a review of the entire TOC field are referred to [2]; while those wishing to obtain a copy of the bibliography are referred to [23]. In its brief 20-year history, TOC has developed rapidly in terms of both methodology (see for example [6], [S]) and area of applications (see for example, [ 191, 271). In the late 1970’s, the founder of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), Eliyahu Goldratt, Israeli physicist turned business guru, developed a revolutionary method for production scheduling [lo] which was in  stark contrast to accepted methods available at the time, such as MRP. Central to the TOC philosophy was that any organisation (or system) has a constraint (or small number of constraints) which dominate the entire system. The secret to success lies with managing these constraints, and the system as it interacts with these constraints, to get the best out of the whole system. The Drum-Buffer-Rope schedulingsystem, together with the general principles espoused in The Goal, were elements of TOC that became part of successful manufacturing management. Even so, some companies failed in their attempts to adopt OPT, the software package based on Goldratt’s method [lo]. Such failure was usually diagnosed as an inability or unwillingness by the organisation to discard old traditions, and embrace the new philosophy and the new measures that were concomitant with successful adoption. The most common measures that need to be reviewed are accounting measures, as TOC promotes the use of global system-wide measures, rather than local measures. The motivation for this is that if a system as a whole is to achieve its goal, it is best for the system’s individual parts to work as a team in â€Å"sync† rather than at their own individual speeds. Given that the major constraint to improvement was the resistance to changing these measures, it is not surprising therefore that this is the direction that TOC followed, to tackle this biggest constraint to adoption behaviours. Thus the TOC Thinking Processes were born: a suite of tools that allows people to learn and use the thinking processes that enable them to develop their own solutions to complex problems. This suite of tools enables analysis of a situation, using the rigour of cause and effect thinking following strict logic rules, combined with the intuition and knowledge of the persons owning, or intimately involved with, the problem. The TP’s enable more complex problems (â€Å"messes†) to be tackled, and have much in common with other soft systems approaches such as SSM and SODA/cognitive mapping. In our opinion, these thinking processes now offer much to OIUMS practitioners (as well as the more traditional users from the Operations Management field). 2 The Survey The literature search has uncovered over 310 items on TOC, including 32 books. The majority of these were developing/discussing the methodology from a theoretical viewpoint. Many claims were made regarding the benefits of TOC. These included increased throughputs, reduced inventories and lead-times, which in turn would lead to higher sales, and improved profits, quality, and customer satisfaction. However we felt it would also be useful to collect together and analyse the actual reported data on the benefits of TOC, to verify or disprove these claims. The literature search identified over one hundred case studies or vignettes that contained information on the results of applications of TOC. Not all cases or vignettes provided quantitative data on the results of applying TOC. In total, we were able to collect quantitative data on the application of TOC to seventy-seven different companies. The types of organisations covered by these cases varied from giant multi-national corporations and industry leaders like Boeing and GM, to military organisations lie the US Aii Force, to small town bakeries. The vast majority of TOC applications were in the manufacturing sector. Within this sector, there are significant clusters of applications in the aerospace, apparel, automotive, electronics, furniture, semiconductor, steel and heavy engineering industries. Most of these focused on the manufacturing operations of each organisation. However, there were several instances of application to administrative functions. Analysis of the frequency of article and book publications per year shows a considerable growth of publications in recent years. This is partially due to the formation of the Constraints Management Special Interest Group within the influential APICS. This year, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of books published on TOC, withnine new books hitting the shelves, including [6], [21], [26]. This takes the total number of books on TOC to 32, since the release of The Goal [ 151 in 1984. TOC is a complex methodology requiring skill and cooperation to implement. This may be why there have been few â€Å"complete† applications of the methodology reported in the literature. Most applications involve components of the overall philosophy, predominantly the operations management technique, DBR, and the constraint oriented continuous  improvement technique, the Five Focusing Steps. This is significant as many of the results of applications, summarised below, are the result of only the partial power of TOC. The case survey methodology [20] used for data collection has limitations, the main one being the lack of consistency in the reporting conventions. Authors used a range of different frames and methods for reporting results. Thus, there were limitations to the types of data that were usable. However, sample size of 78 applications provided sufficient data for robust conclusions for most variables, the only exception being changes in profitability; the small sample size for this is thought to be due to commercial sensitivity. However, this deficiency is made up by a reasonable sample of organisations reporting changes in revenue resulting from the application. In total, a sample of twenty-five -data points were gathered for changes in financial performance. Inherent within the case survey methodology is the potential for bias on the part of the authors themselves, and academic journal editors. However the latter bias may be mitigated in part, as articles relating to TOC were published in some 83 different journals and magazines. The great majority of applications reported in the literature were conducted in North America. A number of European applications were reported, with only a few cases emerging from the UK and Australasia. 2.1 Data Analysis This research exercise is believed to be the first published examination of the actual performance of the Theory of Constraints’. The table in Appendix 1 gives a selection of the results2. We were initially concerned that there were so many apparent gaps in the data, as it could be argued that these omissions indicate that these factors were not improved, or that only a few factors in each case improved, perhaps even to the detriment of other factors. However, on reflection we recognised there are many valid reasons for such omissions. Firstly, several of the measures used are essentially measuring the same  effect: eg Lead-time, Cycle Time and Due Date performance all measure the company’s ability to respond speedily to customer orders. Thus one would not expect authors to report all measures. Secondly, many companies do not wish to report factors such as financial results, for competitive reasons. Thirdly, many companies adopt TOC with a particular focus, such as to improve due date performance and may fail to give much attention to effects outside this focus. Furthermore, it is often difficult to collect hard data: people do not always take measurements before they make changes: they may not envisage how effective this approach will be often they have tried other methods before, and the results have not been noteworthy, so why should this method be any different? Sometimes the results are simply too hard to calculate: eg to calculate the Inventory figures using Goldratt’s definition (see [6], [ 161 or [27]) is problematic if the company’s accounts are prepared using normal cost ’ To our knowledge, the only other published survey of applications to date is that by Noreen, Smith and Mackey [27], which reported in depth on 25 organisations that were using TOC. ’ The complete table runs to some 7 pages, so is not included here due to the page limit.accounting conventions (GAPP), as experience with Expozay showed [22]. Or they may have changed the way they measure Inventory as part of the change to TOC, and hence any reported figures would be misleading. Another reason might be that people would prefer not to know how bad things really are at the start. Finally, when taken in context of the articles themselves, it is apparent that the authors considered TOC to be a success. For all these reasons, the gaps in the data are not considered to be unreasonable. The data available was analysed using Exploratory Data Analysis methods. 2.2 Findings of the analysis The results of the analysis of reported changes in operational and financial performance, resulting from the application of TOC, are summarised below: Lead-Times: Mean Reduction 69 % A mean reduction in lead-time of 69% emerged from the sample of thirty-two  observations, all of which reported reductions. Over three quarters of the sample experienced reductions in lead-time greater than 50% Cycle-Times: Mean Reduction 66% In every case where changes in cycle-time were reported, the reports showed a decrease, or improvement in cycle-time. Fourteen observations made up the sample for change in cycle-times. Due-Date-Performance: Mean Improvement 60% Improving due-date-performance is synonymous with meeting delivery promises to customers. A mean improvement of 60% emerged from the sample. Twelve observations made up the sample for change in due-date-performance. Several organisations experienced improvements of over 100%. Inventory Levels: Mean Reduction 50% Reducing inventory is associated with reducing lead-times in a DBR system. A mean inventory reduction of 50% resulted from the sample of 28 observations. Lead-Time and Inventory Reduction: Correlation 0.77 Goldratt and Fox (1986) claim that when DBR is applied to a manufacturing system, the reduction in lead-time is strongly correlated with the reduction of inventory level. This research verifies the claims of Goldratt and Fox, as shown by a 0.77 Spearrnan’s Rank Correlation. This analysis was conducted on a sample of thirteen observations where organisations provided data on changes to both lead-times and inventory levels. Revenue / Throughput: Mean Increase 68% (outlier exclusive) This variable represents the amount of money coming into the organisation. All reports represented increases in revenue or throughput. The impressive mean increase of 68% excludes one outlier, a 600% increase at Lucent Technologies achieved within one year. Five organisations, from the sample of eighteen, reported increases in revenues in excess of lOO%, within one financial year.Combined Financial Variable: Mean Increase 82 % A sample of twenty-five observations for the combine revenue / throughput / profit variable revealed a mean increase of 82%, excluding the 600% increase at Lucent Technologies. 2.3 Conclusions from this analysis: l In the survey of over 100 cases, no failures or disappointing results were reported. l Some substantial improvements in operational variables as well as financial variables were reported. On average, inventories were reduced by 50%, production times (measured by lead-times, cycle times or due date performance) improved by over 60%, and financial measures improved by over 80%. In addition, inventory reductions were accompanied by lead-time reductions a feat not matched by JIF. l The vast majority of cases reported only partial applications of TOC. We are left to wonder whether improvements would have been even greater had more of the methodology been applied. l The entire survey revealed over 300 articles and books on TOC, of which only a handful contained negative comments, and none of these related to actual applications of the methodology.  While there were several papers reporting computer simulations comparing TOC with other scheduling methods, typically MRP and JIT, none showed TOC to be inferior to other methods; most showed a significant advantage on most measures. l TOC evokes some emotive responses, which is not surprising given that TOC challenges some fundamental notions. l The technical solution to dramatically improving financial and operational performance, is comparatively simple to identify (especially in hindsight4) l The major difficulty is overcoming the behavioural tendency of resistance to change. l TP applications commonly find that underlying core problems are erroneous or deficient measurements, policies and/or training’. Often these are found to be outdated, and no longer consistent with the company’s goal. l Not surprisingly, our enquiries and experience have identified a great number of other applications that have not been published: in many instances the results will never be published, because the focus is on internal change management for competitive advantage.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Epicurus Essay -- Papers Philosophy Happniess

Epicurus Epicurus was a philosopher who was believed to be the one with all the answers to life. He encouraged the Ideal of Good Life, to live simple lives by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Epicurus views worries as unnecessary and unnatural desires. If these desires are avoided, he believes that all worries will be eliminated. Epicurus' metaphysical theory was based on Democritus's view of atoms. They were monists who believed all is matter, the soul is equivalent to the mind and comes apart at death. I feel that Epicurus' extravagance leads to pain, not pleasure; and, therefore, should be avoided. According to Epicurus, the purpose of life is happiness; and by happiness he means not that state of well being and perfection, but pleasure itself. The Epicurean goal to happiness was ataraxia, freedom from inner disturbance. Epicurus acknowledges the issue of pain caused by owning many material possessions. He believes that even though these possessions may make us happy, the long-term pleasure will not exist. Having many great possessions cause people to be happy, but then they want more and more, which means they will never reach happiness. I feel this point is true to some extent. Although quality of life is a very important point made by Epicurus, quantity also plays a big role. Epicurus takes this to the extreme level of never giving ones self any luxury at all. Everyone who lives on the earth has their good and bad days, when it is a bad day, as human beings we deserve to splurge every once in a while. We work hard here as humans and deserve some kind of replenishme nt for it, weather it is material, physical, emotional, or whatever else it is that one wants. Epicurus believes pleasure is the standar... ...o that is what we should have. Thirdly, unnecessary desires are vain and will not cause pain if absent. According to Epicurus, it is unnecessary to desire sex. I strongly disagree with this point because it is natural to have the urge for sexual interactions and necessary to fulfill them or else reproduction would not occur. It seems to me that Epicurus was the type of person who just wanted to live the life he was supposed to live so he could live life in the best possible way. Even though his beliefs were mostly unrealistic, his intent was to make it possible to live worry free. I feel that if Epicurus lived in today's society, he would have a completely different philosophy. Epicurus did not have enough information to back up all of his theories, and with our world today, he would have thought differently about his philosophy, ideal of the Good Life.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Personal Curriculum/Educational Philosophy Statement Essay

In this paper I have written regarding my educational philosophy. It answers the questions: Why I teach? Also indicating what personal philosophies I follow. How I teach? Which states the approach towards curriculum that I believe in. Lastly, What I teach? Which connects more to my personal belief in the classroom. Teaching is not for everyone but when you love what you do, it can be a rewarding and exciting profession. My philosophy as a teacher has always been to preserve the idea that the young minds sitting before me are the future citizens of our community. I see my responsibility as a guide to my students so that they may grow towards the development of their own independence and success with good judgement, patience, and vision as they become the leaders of our next generation. I feel that it is the responsibility of the teacher to get to know everyone of their students, their weaknesses and their strengths. It’s also important to build a personal trust. This trust leads to a successful mentorship with the learner. My approach towards education and curriculum is one that is less rigid and technical. I prefer one that is humanistic. This approach includes lessons based on life experiences, group games, group projects, artistic endeavors, dramatizations, field trips, social enterprises, learning and interest centers, and homework and tutoring stations ( or corners). These activities include creative problem solving and active student participation. They emphasize socialization and life adjustment for students, as well as stronger family ties and school – community ties (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2013, p. 7). I feel that that in education more than one personal educational philosophy is required. A teacher needs to discover what philosophy or philosophies work in today’s classroom. This needs to be dependent upon the teacher and on today’s society. Times are constantly changing and evolving. I incorporate essentialism, perennialism, and progressivism, with a bit of realism and idealism to challenge my students as individuals and productive members of society. In all, I aim to educate my students, to cultivate intellect, to promote the intellectual growth of the individual, to educate the competent person, and to promote democratic social living (2013, p. 48). The starting point in curriculum is also your philosophy. In realism, realists view the world in terms of objects and matter (2013, p. 32). In idealism, learning is a primarily intellectual process that involves recalling and working with ideas (2013, p. 31). People can come to know the world through their senses and their reason. The goal for my students is to have complimenting dimensions, a strong individualistic nature that works and plays well with other members of society. My educational philosophy aligns with the philosophy of both my personal and professional life. It affects my attitude, influences my decisions, and directs my missions with others. My impact on youth through my years of teaching has proven to be successful; subsequently, I believe my philosophy is a successful â€Å"formula. † I look forward to molding well-rounded young adults that can perform in any situation under any circumstances. I believe the impact that I have made within the educational community, and look forward toward opportunities to continue to make in this area, is that of good judgement, patience, and vision that at one time other adults taught to me.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Pigs Intellectual Exploitation in Animal Farm Essay

The Pigs Intellectual Exploitation in Animal Farm An author often writes a novel as a warning to mankind. In Animal Farm, George Orwell creates a world of animals that allegorically represent man. The intelligent pigs take advantage of the uneducated lower animals and take control of the farm. By showing the steady increase of the pigs intellectual exploitation of the lower animals, Orwell warns the reader of the importance of an education. Immediately after the revolution, the pigs began their intellectual exploitation of the lower farm animals by telling them that the cows milk would be mixed with apples for the benefit of the pigs health. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do†¦show more content†¦None of the animals seemed to quite understand what the two pigs seemed to talk about they werent informed properly. If the animals couldnt make informed choices, then they couldnt make good choices. Some animals had the proper education and learned to read and write. These same animals had such a lack of intelligence that they couldnt figure out what the pigs were talking about. When questions aroused about how in the Battle of Cowshed Comrade Napoleon wasnt as brave as they all thought, the only solution was to push the blame to Snowball. The pigs thought that if they explained to the lower animals how Snowball was against them, no one would look to Napoleon for the blame anymore. That was our mistake, comrade. For we know now----it is all written down in the secret documents that we have found----that in reality he was trying to lure us to our doom (80). If the animals were smarter and had better memories, they could have remembered this battle more vividly then they wouldnt have seen what the pigs were trying to accomplish. They would have seen how Squealer was manipulating their minds into thinking that Comrade Napoleon was the hero, Snowball was the enemy and he himself had been in on the humans plan with Jones. Not only did the pigs say Snowball betraye d Animal Farm, but they also suggested that he created mischief on the farm while the animals slept at night. After a terrible storm in November knockedShow MoreRelatedOrwell s Animal Farm As A Critique Of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation And How Tyranny Operates1475 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwell’s Animal Farm as a critique of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation and How Tyranny Operates Literature is said to be the mirror of a society and one of the major functions of it has been to make people aware of their surroundings as well as themselves. While many writers of today might digress from the true purpose of writing, the classics have always held a special place in what may be called as the awakening of the individuals. 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