Monday, September 30, 2019

Somali Culture Lifestyle and How It Affects on Housemaids

CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study Describes the prevailing problem situation at the global, national and local levels (broad perspectives to narrow perspectives). Explains what the study is all about. Should arouse the interest of the readers. Statement of the Problem The researcher has to identify the specific problem existing within the specific area of interest which his research will seek to address. The statement should provide the researcher with considerable direction in pursuing the study. Purpose of the Study This refers to the general aim for wanting to carry out the study.The purpose should not be a reproduction of the title, but should be a summary statement of the reason why the study is being proposed. Research Objectives These are finer statements of what is to be accomplished, which emanate from the purpose of the study. They specify more directly what the researcher is going to do. While the purpose is a general statement of the aim of the study, the objectives must be specific. Should state properly and clearly the general and specific objectives that should jive with the research questions. Ideally, the research objectives should be measurable, attainable and feasible.Research Questions The research questions must be stated in question form and in a way that they are synchronized with the research objectives. Hypothesis The research hypothesis is a tentative explanation of the research problem. It is also a tentative answer to the research problem and can be an educated guess about the research outcome. Not all researches need a hypothesis, therefore, if the study is hypothesis free, an ASSUMPTION may take its place. The hypothesis must be stated where it is applicable. Ideally, the hypothesis can be in null or alternative form. Scope This specifies the boundaries of the research.The geographical scope defines the location or site of the study. The theoretical scope defines the issues to be covered; the content sco pe defines the factors and variables to be considered. Significance of the Study This provides the justification of the study. It spells out who the probable beneficiaries of the study findings might be (country, government, local community, agency, curriculum developers, researchers etc. ), and how they might benefit. It also shows how the research findings will contribute to general knowledge and what is its impact on development towards better life .It should reflect on knowledge creation, as well as on technological or socio-economic value to the community. Operational Definitions of Key Terms This gives the definitions of major terms as they are used in the study. Key terms are ideally found in the research title, research instrument and other parts of the study where the terms need to be operationally defined in this section. CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction This gives a short introduction on the coverage of this chapter. Concepts, Ideas, Opinions From Aut hors/ ExpertsThis section deals with the analysis of the literature related to the subject of the study with the objective of seeing the concepts, ideas and opinions of scholars/experts. The review must be focused on the study variables by reviewing literature under the sub-themes which synchronize with the research objectives or questions or hypothesis. It should show relationships identified by previous researchers. When the literature review is so structured it would be easy when discussing the researcher's findings to relate and compare these findings with previous findings in the reviewed literature.The review should identify the gaps existing in literature and specify the ones that the research will focus on. Proper citations/end noting must also be reflected. Theoretical Perspectives This should discuss the theory to which the study is based (one for each independent and dependent variable or combined). One or more theories may need to be discussed in this section if the topi c is a well-researched area with various antecedents before arriving at a theory or synthesis of two or more theories that will serve as the pivot for the study.In some cases where few studies have been undertaken, there may be no theories to draw upon. In such a case, the conceptual framework shall be used. Related Studies This portion discusses past empirical investigations similar to or related to the present study. CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Research Design It is the strategy used in the study. A researcher should be able to identify and isolate the design most appropriate for a study. It could be experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive survey, historical, ex post facto, action research, evaluation research, etc.A researcher should make the form or design of investigation explicit and provide a justification for the choice. He can also indicate if the approach he is adopting is quantitative or qualitative or both. Research Population A population is the complete collection of all the elements that are of interest in a particular investigation. A target population is the population to which the researcher ultimately wants to generalize the results. This target population is the population from which the sample will be drawn. The result can best be generalized to the accessible population.They can, at times be generalized to the target population also, if the two populations are very similar. The sample drawn from the target population become the research subjects (if they are inanimate objects or animals) or the research respondents of the study (if they are humans/individuals who answers the research instrument administered). Relevant characteristics of the subjects or respondents must be stated as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria in selecting the subjects or respondents identified. Sample Size What size of sample can represent the accessible population?The ideal size varies with the population size. There are laid down rules and tables to assist in determining the size of a representative sample. Researchers are to indicate the population size and the corresponding sample size and quote an authority that supports the sufficiency of the sample size. There are various formula used for sample size calculation depending on the research design. How the sample size is arrived at should be clearly stated. Sampling Procedure The sample should be a representation of the population. In other words most characteristics of the population should be represented in the selected sample.This calls for the use of a suitable sampling strategy. The procedure adopted should ensure that the selected sample represents the population. This should be clearly explained. Research Instrument There are varieties of research instruments or tools that can be used to collect data. Examples include the Questionnaire, Interview Guide, and Observations Checklist. The researcher needs to indicate the research instrument(s) he intends to use. whether r esearcher devised/structured by the researcher or standardized research instrument.The basis for the options/content in a standardized or researcher devised instrument are the aspects discussed in the Review of Related Literature. The researcher should try not to develop his own questions or select a standardized instrument without any basis then. A researcher devised instrument can be pre- tested to 5-10 subjects or respondents not included in the actual study to test its reliability and should also be tested for its validity. If a standardized instrument is to be adopted, the name of the author of the instrument and permission to use must be mentioned in this section.This is to avoid plagiarism and legal suits from the author of the instrument. Whether the instrument is researcher devised or standardized the response modes, scoring and interpretation of scores need to be discussed in this part of the study. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument Data quality control refers to validity and reliability of the instruments. Validity refers to the appropriateness of the instruments while reliability refers to its consistency in measuring whatever it is intended to measure.The researcher needs to describe how he intends to establish the validity and reliability of the research instrument before using them. For purposes of triangulation more than one instrument can be used. Data Gathering Procedures In this part of the study, the collection of data step by step, before, during and after the administration of the research instrument should be described. Data Analysis This section presents how the data generated in the study are to be organized and analyzed. The technique to be used to analyze each group of data should be specified.While thematic analysis can be employed for qualitative data, the use of such statistical techniques as chi-square, correlation, ANOVA etc. are appropriate for quantitative data. Spell out the particular statistical treatment/ techniqu e and formula to use with reference to each research question or type of data set. Ethical Considerations This refers to the moral justification of the investigation. How do you ensure the safety, social and psychological well being of the person and/or community involved in your study?This may involve getting clearance from the ethical body/ethics committee and consent of the respondent (Appendices II and III respectively). Limitations of the Study This considers potential sources of bias/ threats to the validity of the findings in the proposed study. Whatever may limit the validity of the findings constitute limitations. However, they need not prevent the study from being carried out. The confession of the limitations only serves to warn the reader of the amount of trust to place in the findings. The researcher should mention in this study how the limitations were minimized/reduced.CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Start with narrative statements of the data in answer to the specific research questions then a graphic or tabular presentation of the data. Below the tables/graphs, discuss the meaning and practical implications of the findings with consideration on the results of similar studies. Include also the findings of other investigators both in agreement or disagreement with the findings of the study on hand. CHAPTER FIVE FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS Introduce this chapter and its coverage. FINDINGSClearly state in this portion the overall results in answer to the specific research questions. CONCLUSIONS This should state clearly the researcher's stand on the research problem based on all evidences presented. The conclusion/s should be sound, and logical and answers any of these: the main research problem, if the hypothesis is accepted or rejected or if the theory to which the study is based is proven or not. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Should be sound and logical based on the findings of the study. 2. Shortcomings of the stud y are addressed and constructive suggestions given for future research. . Two to three titles of related studies are suggested for the future researchers. REFERENCES This is the list of all works cited in the study. It should be written according to approved format. For uniformity the approved format for KIU is the format of the latest edition of American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual. Only cited authors in the study should be given in the reference section. All authors in the reference section should appear in the body of the study. Present the references in alphabetical order. Book on referencing available with the DVC, SPGSR. APPENDIX 1TRANSMITTAL LETTER Attached here is an original copy of the letter/ communication from the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research (SPGSR) through its Director stating the request for the candidate to be given consideration to conduct his/her study as specified. APPENDIX II CLEARANCE FROM ETHICS COMMITTEE A legitimate attac hment is a clearance from the Ethics Committee for the purpose of ensuring the safety, social and psychological well being of the person and community involved in the study. May or may not be there depending on the nature of the study. APPENDIX III INFORMED CONSENTThis is an original copy of the form where the subjects/ respondents sign as proof of approval to be involved in the study. May or may not be there depending on the nature of the study. APPENDIX IV RESEARCH INSTRUMENT A copy of the research instrument must be attached . RESEARCHER'S CURRICULUM VITAE To document the details of the researcher, his competency in writing a research and to recognize his efforts and qualifications, this part of the research report is thus meant. The researcher's bio-data is categorized as follows: Personal Profile Educational Background Work Experience Other Relevant Data Somali Culture Lifestyle and How It Affects on Housemaids CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study Describes the prevailing problem situation at the global, national and local levels (broad perspectives to narrow perspectives). Explains what the study is all about. Should arouse the interest of the readers. Statement of the Problem The researcher has to identify the specific problem existing within the specific area of interest which his research will seek to address. The statement should provide the researcher with considerable direction in pursuing the study. Purpose of the Study This refers to the general aim for wanting to carry out the study.The purpose should not be a reproduction of the title, but should be a summary statement of the reason why the study is being proposed. Research Objectives These are finer statements of what is to be accomplished, which emanate from the purpose of the study. They specify more directly what the researcher is going to do. While the purpose is a general statement of the aim of the study, the objectives must be specific. Should state properly and clearly the general and specific objectives that should jive with the research questions. Ideally, the research objectives should be measurable, attainable and feasible.Research Questions The research questions must be stated in question form and in a way that they are synchronized with the research objectives. Hypothesis The research hypothesis is a tentative explanation of the research problem. It is also a tentative answer to the research problem and can be an educated guess about the research outcome. Not all researches need a hypothesis, therefore, if the study is hypothesis free, an ASSUMPTION may take its place. The hypothesis must be stated where it is applicable. Ideally, the hypothesis can be in null or alternative form. Scope This specifies the boundaries of the research.The geographical scope defines the location or site of the study. The theoretical scope defines the issues to be covered; the content sco pe defines the factors and variables to be considered. Significance of the Study This provides the justification of the study. It spells out who the probable beneficiaries of the study findings might be (country, government, local community, agency, curriculum developers, researchers etc. ), and how they might benefit. It also shows how the research findings will contribute to general knowledge and what is its impact on development towards better life .It should reflect on knowledge creation, as well as on technological or socio-economic value to the community. Operational Definitions of Key Terms This gives the definitions of major terms as they are used in the study. Key terms are ideally found in the research title, research instrument and other parts of the study where the terms need to be operationally defined in this section. CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction This gives a short introduction on the coverage of this chapter. Concepts, Ideas, Opinions From Aut hors/ ExpertsThis section deals with the analysis of the literature related to the subject of the study with the objective of seeing the concepts, ideas and opinions of scholars/experts. The review must be focused on the study variables by reviewing literature under the sub-themes which synchronize with the research objectives or questions or hypothesis. It should show relationships identified by previous researchers. When the literature review is so structured it would be easy when discussing the researcher's findings to relate and compare these findings with previous findings in the reviewed literature.The review should identify the gaps existing in literature and specify the ones that the research will focus on. Proper citations/end noting must also be reflected. Theoretical Perspectives This should discuss the theory to which the study is based (one for each independent and dependent variable or combined). One or more theories may need to be discussed in this section if the topi c is a well-researched area with various antecedents before arriving at a theory or synthesis of two or more theories that will serve as the pivot for the study.In some cases where few studies have been undertaken, there may be no theories to draw upon. In such a case, the conceptual framework shall be used. Related Studies This portion discusses past empirical investigations similar to or related to the present study. CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Research Design It is the strategy used in the study. A researcher should be able to identify and isolate the design most appropriate for a study. It could be experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive survey, historical, ex post facto, action research, evaluation research, etc.A researcher should make the form or design of investigation explicit and provide a justification for the choice. He can also indicate if the approach he is adopting is quantitative or qualitative or both. Research Population A population is the complete collection of all the elements that are of interest in a particular investigation. A target population is the population to which the researcher ultimately wants to generalize the results. This target population is the population from which the sample will be drawn. The result can best be generalized to the accessible population.They can, at times be generalized to the target population also, if the two populations are very similar. The sample drawn from the target population become the research subjects (if they are inanimate objects or animals) or the research respondents of the study (if they are humans/individuals who answers the research instrument administered). Relevant characteristics of the subjects or respondents must be stated as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria in selecting the subjects or respondents identified. Sample Size What size of sample can represent the accessible population?The ideal size varies with the population size. There are laid down rules and tables to assist in determining the size of a representative sample. Researchers are to indicate the population size and the corresponding sample size and quote an authority that supports the sufficiency of the sample size. There are various formula used for sample size calculation depending on the research design. How the sample size is arrived at should be clearly stated. Sampling Procedure The sample should be a representation of the population. In other words most characteristics of the population should be represented in the selected sample.This calls for the use of a suitable sampling strategy. The procedure adopted should ensure that the selected sample represents the population. This should be clearly explained. Research Instrument There are varieties of research instruments or tools that can be used to collect data. Examples include the Questionnaire, Interview Guide, and Observations Checklist. The researcher needs to indicate the research instrument(s) he intends to use. whether r esearcher devised/structured by the researcher or standardized research instrument.The basis for the options/content in a standardized or researcher devised instrument are the aspects discussed in the Review of Related Literature. The researcher should try not to develop his own questions or select a standardized instrument without any basis then. A researcher devised instrument can be pre- tested to 5-10 subjects or respondents not included in the actual study to test its reliability and should also be tested for its validity. If a standardized instrument is to be adopted, the name of the author of the instrument and permission to use must be mentioned in this section.This is to avoid plagiarism and legal suits from the author of the instrument. Whether the instrument is researcher devised or standardized the response modes, scoring and interpretation of scores need to be discussed in this part of the study. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument Data quality control refers to validity and reliability of the instruments. Validity refers to the appropriateness of the instruments while reliability refers to its consistency in measuring whatever it is intended to measure.The researcher needs to describe how he intends to establish the validity and reliability of the research instrument before using them. For purposes of triangulation more than one instrument can be used. Data Gathering Procedures In this part of the study, the collection of data step by step, before, during and after the administration of the research instrument should be described. Data Analysis This section presents how the data generated in the study are to be organized and analyzed. The technique to be used to analyze each group of data should be specified.While thematic analysis can be employed for qualitative data, the use of such statistical techniques as chi-square, correlation, ANOVA etc. are appropriate for quantitative data. Spell out the particular statistical treatment/ techniqu e and formula to use with reference to each research question or type of data set. Ethical Considerations This refers to the moral justification of the investigation. How do you ensure the safety, social and psychological well being of the person and/or community involved in your study?This may involve getting clearance from the ethical body/ethics committee and consent of the respondent (Appendices II and III respectively). Limitations of the Study This considers potential sources of bias/ threats to the validity of the findings in the proposed study. Whatever may limit the validity of the findings constitute limitations. However, they need not prevent the study from being carried out. The confession of the limitations only serves to warn the reader of the amount of trust to place in the findings. The researcher should mention in this study how the limitations were minimized/reduced.CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Start with narrative statements of the data in answer to the specific research questions then a graphic or tabular presentation of the data. Below the tables/graphs, discuss the meaning and practical implications of the findings with consideration on the results of similar studies. Include also the findings of other investigators both in agreement or disagreement with the findings of the study on hand. CHAPTER FIVE FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS Introduce this chapter and its coverage. FINDINGSClearly state in this portion the overall results in answer to the specific research questions. CONCLUSIONS This should state clearly the researcher's stand on the research problem based on all evidences presented. The conclusion/s should be sound, and logical and answers any of these: the main research problem, if the hypothesis is accepted or rejected or if the theory to which the study is based is proven or not. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Should be sound and logical based on the findings of the study. 2. Shortcomings of the stud y are addressed and constructive suggestions given for future research. . Two to three titles of related studies are suggested for the future researchers. REFERENCES This is the list of all works cited in the study. It should be written according to approved format. For uniformity the approved format for KIU is the format of the latest edition of American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual. Only cited authors in the study should be given in the reference section. All authors in the reference section should appear in the body of the study. Present the references in alphabetical order. Book on referencing available with the DVC, SPGSR. APPENDIX 1TRANSMITTAL LETTER Attached here is an original copy of the letter/ communication from the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research (SPGSR) through its Director stating the request for the candidate to be given consideration to conduct his/her study as specified. APPENDIX II CLEARANCE FROM ETHICS COMMITTEE A legitimate attac hment is a clearance from the Ethics Committee for the purpose of ensuring the safety, social and psychological well being of the person and community involved in the study. May or may not be there depending on the nature of the study. APPENDIX III INFORMED CONSENTThis is an original copy of the form where the subjects/ respondents sign as proof of approval to be involved in the study. May or may not be there depending on the nature of the study. APPENDIX IV RESEARCH INSTRUMENT A copy of the research instrument must be attached . RESEARCHER'S CURRICULUM VITAE To document the details of the researcher, his competency in writing a research and to recognize his efforts and qualifications, this part of the research report is thus meant. The researcher's bio-data is categorized as follows: Personal Profile Educational Background Work Experience Other Relevant Data

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cisco Systems Essay

1. How have Cisco’s channels evolved in the last 10 – 15 years? Why have they evolved that way? What does the future look like? Cisco is the leader in the switches and router market. Cisco was described as a classic start-up fairy tale. Indirect sales and distribution through resellers was responsible for the small percentage of products delivered in the early 1990s. Cisco model was praised as a successful indirect sales and channel strategy. In 1995, Chambers (CEO) took the helm and the company played a leading role in the internet revolution. Market capitalization exceeded $500 billion in 2000. Cisco’s sales had crossed $18 billion and it boasted relationship with 600 VARs worldwide. The company’s sale took a hit after the telecom and dot-com crash in 2001. The company reported $1 billion loss in the same year. Due to the disaffection and dissatisfaction among the resellers the company was forced to review and revamp the go-to market strategy. Routers and Switches are the key components of Cisco. Its explosive growth and the growth of Internet were inextricably intertwined. Its router technology was a crucial component of the rapid internet buildout in the 1990s. This success was achieved from basic high-end connectivity, multilayer intelligent service switching solutions. The company has to evolve the goto market strategy and implement the customized pyramid so that new strategy doesn’t create inter-channel conflict determines the future of the company 2. What grade would you give Cisco for managing that evolution? Good or bad? Why? I would provide an A grade to the firm for managing the evolution. It was good implementation, when started the company sold whoever had an application on the technology however with the market exploded in the 1990s, the company relied on channel partners who added unique value, cost effectively. The company followed divide-and-grow policy, doubling the number of sales territories by cutting each in half and expecting the same business from each half. 3. Against the background of your answer to the above two questions, how should Cisco distribute VoIP products? Through voice VARs? Data VARs? or both? I would recommend the distribution of VoIP products through both voice and data VARs. Even though voice channel was considerably more consolidated than the data channel however it is agreed that voice needed to be added to the mix of already existing data VARs. In the data market, margins for the resellers where in the region 12%to 20% due to the channel competition. On one hand, it makes sense to stay with existing margin structure because the new technology delivered huge cost advantage for the end user. But the Voice VARs were entrenched with PBX firms and it would cannibalize introducing new product line. The maturing nature of the networking market and opportunity provided Cisco to expand their business and needed to the keep the productivity with the existing data VARs. 4. What are your reactions to the Pyramid model advanced in Fig.C of the case? What is the core concept of the model? Is there an alternative evolutional model that Cisco should adop? It was a completely different strategy adopted by Cisco when healthy profit margins on routers and switches were the norm in 1990s. This offered value addition to the resellers and sales volume was the key which showed Cisco’s intention to improve the market share. â€Å"Gold†, â€Å"Silver† or â€Å"Premier† status was awarded to the certified resellers who would in-turn get discount of 42%, 40% or 38% in the products for the categories respectively. The core concept of the model is higher the sales, greater discount and increased profit margins. Even though resellers could make 40% margin, in practice, because of intense competition, the gross margin boiled down to 5% to 18% across the industry depending on the product. Adding to the above, Cisco sold equipment through resellers that fell outside the pyramid structure but specialized in particular markets, on a sale by sale basis and through resellers that acted as product-fulfillment houses. This helped Cisco to quickly increase its share in the switch and router market to high extent. I don’t think there is an alternative evolutional model that Cisco would have adopted.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Perception and Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perception and Conflict - Essay Example that sets the different vectors of power in a modulated manner that they are primarily applied to support the differences of each individual living within the human communities around the world. Making use of conflict as an agent of equalizing the differences, business organizations are sure to gain strength from the said idealism. As mentioned earlier, competition among organizational members is one particular form of conflict. However, instead of seeing it as a major source of conflict of differences in the organization, it could be used as the key matter that could motivate people in achieving higher than what the others is able to achieve. In this track, the conflict of competition is already viewed as something that is healthy for the organizations’ sake. However on the part of Reno and Frank, the conflict growing between them involves more than just competition. It involves the wrong perception towards the need to communicate to each other and the difference of their belief towards the need to work with the problem that they are facing. Yes, in this regard, dealing with the situation usually involves more than just making amends between the two different ongoing opinions between two different individuals or groups at that, who are thriving within a certain single organization. The conflicts between people and how each undeniable misunderstanding occurs are based in a process of conversing, interpreting and wrong response. To understand further, here are some of the communication problems that occur which usually turns into different levels of relationship conflicts: This is the way by which a person intends to manipulate the thinking of the other person through questioning the attitudes of the other. Not only that, the situation usually aggravates the questioning of the attitude of the other towards the other person. Robert Bolton comments on the matter saying: â€Å"Many of us feel we need to be critical, or other people will never improve we make a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social Impact of Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Impact of Technology - Essay Example These very children, who were undernourished, hailed from the underprivileged and sidelined segments of the society and also happened to be pathetically illiterate, were using the internet to have some meaningful peep into the unconcerned world surrounding their dismal existence. This conclusively explains the impact that the computers have on our society. Therein lays the power of computer, the great equalizer. The overall social impact of computer is defined by one word that is 'accessibility'. While the fall of the Berlin Wall in December 1990 initiated the demise of communism, there exists no doubt pertaining to the fact that the much touted capitalistic societies had dangerously ushered in an unequal distribution of wealth (Friedman, 2006, p.50). Till the advent of computers, there existed an unjust world in which the lucrative data and information were accessible only to a privileged few and thus the underprivileged strata of the society was highly limited in its ability to take advantage of the opportunities for growth and development. Computers turned out to be great equalizers in the sense that they enhanced the universal accessibility to information like never before. Doing so they ended up empowering the hitherto sidelined sections of the society by offering the requisite information to everybody and anybody located anywhere in the world, at the click of a mouse and that to at a relatively affordable price. It was a British computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, who while working for CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research at Switzerland, pioneered the concept of a World Wide Web, which was primarily intended to be a system for creating, organizing and linking documents so as to make them accessible via internet (Friedman, 2006, p. 59). This concept eventually metamorphosed into the invention of easy to install and consumer friendly commercial browsers that served as a media for universal connectivity. This made possible the interaction of multiple online computers and networks. The scope of these nascent inventions was exponentially multiplied by the advent of new software. Now the computers enabled everybody with a reasonable digital literacy to create and share digitalized information. Infact the concerned computer nerds all around the world are working hard to revolutionize the sharing of data by creating more potent software and uploading them on the internet to be acce ssed and downloaded by all for free. This ushering in of the community software is drastically cutting the power of the middlemen and the vested interests in the market for digital technology and all the related commercial and humanitarian frameworks. Computers had an unforeseeable yet salubrious impact on the way economies interact and operate. Computers not only enabled the corporations to take advantage of the resources, capital and the skilled labor

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethical Principles Underlying Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Principles Underlying Leadership - Essay Example According to the study it is common for healthcare facilities to update their work plans to follow a set of guidelines to conform to high quality standards. However, it is also expected that some members of the institutions in question would raise their points on opposing the implementation of changes within their healthcare system. An example of such changes met with strong opposition was mentioned in detail, where medical personnel were made to conform to evidence-based practices in dealing with their patients. The situation showed how their autonomy in handling patients was violated, but while there were major changes in how to deal with patients, there was still enough autonomy left for the healthcare personnel in the scenario, and that they could still take care of their patients in whatever way they deem fit. On a personal experience, in terms of fidelity and autonomy, the author had to face some problems with regards to handling patients under palliative care and their familie s. The physician handling the case wanted to fully inform the family as well as the patient of the expected life span after several failed chemotherapy sessions. The author voiced concern over the ethical aspect of such, and added explanations that it could prove stressful to both the family and the patient if they knew exactly that the time to be spent together was limited. In the end, to remain honest with the patient and family a compromise was made in telling them of the situation, though some parts of the truth such as estimated timeframe were held back so as not to add stress. Telling them about the shorter lifespan was better than not telling them about it at all, and that this helps them to prepare in the event that the patient suddenly expire within the expected time frame, showing how ethics and fidelity can come together in the provision of care. Answer to Discussion Question 2: Non-malfeasance has been defined as one of the basic principles in healthcare that requires pr oviders to do the patient not any kind of harm, however, the vagueness of the term creates problems in determining whether actions done for patients are harmful or not (Monagle & Thomasma, 2004). This means that harm becomes a relatively subjective term, and what may work for one patient might fail in another’s case. This is one reason why patients normally put their complete trust on medical personnel in keeping them safe, no matter if they would be harmed or not. It is expected that

Humanitarian logistics during the indian ocean tsunami in the andaman Essay

Humanitarian logistics during the indian ocean tsunami in the andaman and nicobar islands - Essay Example Placed within this supply chain is logistics – moving material from one place to another, which further comprises of inbound, outbound and/or reverse logistics (Figure 1). SUPPLIERS INBOUND LOGISTICS INTERNAL OPERATIONS OUTBOUND LOGISTICS RETAILERS /DISTRIBUTORS INTERNAL INTERFACES EXTERNAL INTERFACES From this profit-oriented point of view, logistics now finds itself on humanitarian grounds where a different war is waged and a different victory is aimed at – the victory of saving lives, minimizing destruction, and assuaging helplessness caused by disasters. Humanitarian logistics is an emerging field with functions similar to business logistics yet with different outcomes. Two main streams of humanitarian logistics can be distinguished: disaster relief and continuous aid work. The focus of disaster relief operations is to transport the immediate requirements of affected communities – first aid material, food, equipment and rescue personnel – where they are needed and to evacuate affected people to safe places rapidly (Barbarosoglu et al., 2002). Continuous aid is focused on re-building lives and re-establishing livelihoods and infrastructures. The Fritz Institute defines humanitarian relief logistics as â€Å"the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of goods and materials, as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of alleviating the suffering of vulnerable people† (Thomas and Kopczak, 2005). Humanitarian logistics encompasses a range of activities including preparedness, planning, procurement, transport, warehousing, tracking and tracing, and customs clearance (Thomas and Kopczak, 2005).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

British North America Secedes from the Empire Essay

British North America Secedes from the Empire - Essay Example Although such a question is necessarily broad and would require a thesis length response to capture the full depth and complexity exhibited therein, this brief essay will seek to establish the points as succinctly and efficiently as possible so as to provide the reader with a broad overview and analysis of key issues without becoming distracted by the sheer complexity that such an issue necessarily presents. In order to begin the discussion into the right of the people to secede and ultimately engage in violent struggle against their former government, the reader/researcher must first consider the situation throughout the rest of the British Empire prior to the outbreak of discontent and violence within the American colonies. Due to e very expensive Seven Years War, also known in the colonies as the French-Indian War, the British Empire found itself in a high level of debt. As with most governmental structures at that time, it was necessary for the British government to work to pay o ff this debt as soon as possible so as to give the Empire and the Crown a level of overall sovereignty and wealth (Cook 74). A little known fat with reference to the tax ratio in the colonies was the fact that it was in all actuality much lower than the tax rates of any other British possessions around the world. As a function of this, the royal review of parliament judged that it only made logical sense to add to the overall level of taxation within the colonies as a means of paying off this debt. As can be seen from history, this acted as a flashpoint of hardly subtle frustration that the colonists already harbored with relation to British rule. In this way, the political aspect of this taxation served to reignite the frustrations faced by the colonists at being what they termed as second class citizens. Whereas many historical interpretations have distorted the role that the taxes ultimately played in spurring the revolution onwards, the fact of the matter is that the taxes only served to provide the flashpoint upon which the other malcontents were able to focus their negative energies with regards to seeking to resist the British Empire and her influence over the colonies. Secondary and tertiary reasons for why the colonists decided to make the issue of higher taxation the proverbial line in the sand are concentric around the fact that the United States was a mercantile economy at the time and was highly dependent upon the British to continue to ignite the fire that kept the colony’s economies burning brightly. However, the situation appeared, at least to the colonists, to be one sided as they were forced to sell many raw materials and finished and unfinished goods back to the British without accruing any type of â€Å"clawback† tax; whereas, at the same time, the British were able to sell finished products within the American economy, as well as constrict the sale and transfer of â€Å"inter-American trade† by emplacing special taxes upon such goods (Porter 27). This of course led to a groundswell of anger that could only be channeled by the common derision and hatred for the increased cost of living that was passed along to all; both rich and poor. Adding insult to injury with

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Weaking Family Bond as the Pushing Factor of the Rise of Socialism Research Paper

The Weaking Family Bond as the Pushing Factor of the Rise of Socialism during the Industrialization Period - Research Paper Example The rationalistic view of the world gave rise to the mechanization in the Western World. The development of the factory system during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1750s left sheer influence on the different aspects of human life in the Western world. The increase in the factory system of production paved the way for the loss of significance for the agrarian sector and the society that hovered around the same. The major political party, capitalism, focused on production and profit and created severe problem on people’s physical and mental problem. Like other parts of the world, the Industrial Revolution followed the same trajectory in the United States of America. Clashes within the family became common phenomena during this period (Backer). Some people argue that the bad working condition and poverty led to the rise of Socialism. However, I believe that though the rise of Socialism during the Industrialization period were related to the imbalanced wealth distribution, safety and sanitation issues, as well as the discriminating treatment towards the working class, the major pushing factor should be the social disorder created by the weakening family bond. ... In a capitalist society, people, especially bosses and employees, considered production and profit more because they believed that competition brings out the best in people. By following a capitalist routine of production indeed stimulated the economy, yet the worker’s physical and emotional wellness was severely ignored under a high pressure of production—they worked, struggled, and suffered. Comparatively, a socialist society advocates that workers should have most say in their factory‘s management and people look out for general welfare. Having a clear overview of the rise of socialism over capitalism and its perils in the society now the focus should be entailed at the storyline of Upton Sinclair’s famous novel, The Jungle. Upton Sinclair’s, The Jungle contributed greatly to the literature and social reform in the American society. The novel gives a vivid description of the life of the workers in America’s meat packing factory. The novel h eralds with the wedding feast of Jurgis Rudkus and Ona Lukoszaite who are immigrants from the Lithuania to Chicago. Along with Jurgis and Ona lived her stepmother Teta Elzbieta and her brother Jonas, one cousin Marija and father of Jurgis, Dede Antanas. The guests who came to their wedding ceremony were not all cheerful and they did not also properly wished the newlywed couple. Most of them went home disappointed and drunk. The reason was that this newlywed couple started their journey with debt. They have come from their homeland in Lithuania to Chicago to find a livelihood for them. But they have faith in America. Jurgis believes that he â€Å"will earn more money [he] will work

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Future of Artificial Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 21250 words

The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Essay Example Through following the works of Hopfield, who has become the symbolic founding father of a very large and broad physics-based study of neural networks as dynamical systems, AI will surely continue to develop in the future. This paper convincingly argues that intelligent machines will be intertwined in the future society, and addresses the lack of a tangible body to manage the development of computer software. The supplementary research further establishes that engineers will have increased ethical and political responsibilities in the development of artificial intelligence systems in the future. This paper also develops a thorough picture of the study of artificial intelligence and a particular emphasis on Neural Networks and its methodology and outlines its usefulness in computing applications. In addition it explores the movement to develop strong AI systems and deals with some non-technical theoretical issues involving that development. Evidence introduced to support arguments that intelligent machines will be a part of future compelled a set of recommendations intended to guide engineers in their continued development of intelligent computer programs. The recommendations, constituting a primary product of this project, represent delicate changes in the social role of engineers; however will become increasingly important as technology grows. Despite the fact that, the material presented has allowed the project to achieve its two major goals, namely explaining current and developing AI technologies in a way accessible to non-experts, and outlining recommendations to prepare future engineers for their growing ethical and professional responsibilities. Table of Contents 1.5.1 Definitions of the Terms 10 2.5 Language Processing 32 2.6 AI & Machine Learning 33 Neural Networks for Information Retrieval (IR): A Methodology 77 3.3.1 A Hopfield Network Example 81 3.4 Originality & Limitation of Data 86 Chapter 1 1.1 Statement of the Problem Promising technologies and programming techniques raise the capability to create intelligent software programs. With the introduction of viable neural networking solutions, the people have come even closer to building artificially intelligent machines. This project outlines the impact of neural networking on the development of artificial intelligence

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Value of Liberal Arts Essay Example for Free

The Value of Liberal Arts Essay Liberal Arts can be defined as the study of general knowledge, humanities, fine arts, natural science and social science, instead of technical studies. These subjects are considered necessary for people in society. A Liberal Arts education is valuable because it is intellectual, it teaches you how to think, and heightens creativity. Studying Liberal Arts will enhance my skills and will develop me into a well-rounded person with a Nursing career. Unlike most professional studies with a focus on career goals, Liberal Art prepares at student for the real world. Most students are not aware of the importance and value of a Liberal Arts education. Courses like English, History, Psychology, Philosophy, and Christianity teaches you how to write and understand. It gives you a better understanding of the world and improves your communication skills. With such a variety students will be more decisive about ideas, beliefs, problems, and choices. This will prepare them for the dilemmas they will face in the world. Higher education is not about simply finding a good job after graduation. A liberal college gives you values and standards that will make you a better person. With a nursing major I will need the communication skills that a Liberal Arts education will give. This will help me interact better with my patients and co-workers and understand differences. Working in a nursing home or hospital I will experience different people and beliefs. I have some skills, but an education with a variety will give me an advantage over nurses with a basic 2-year degree that is career orientated. I interpret it as HBU giving me a foundation. Nursing pre-requisites concurrent with Liberal Arts pre- requisite gives me stepping stones into the nursing program. I will gain more knowledge this way and once I do enter the program I will be well balanced. Some of my acquaintances think that the pre-requisites are harder than the actual program because of the variety, but I disagree. Some of my high school classmates wanted to attend HBU but were deterred because of the Liberal Arts and Christianity requirements. They felt social gatherings like convocation and bible studies were unnecessary and boring, but they help you develop better morals and discipline. They will lack these features that I will have. Liberal studies require you to be artistic and think outside the box. Managers at the odd jobs I have had lacked those features, and that’s why they were bad employers. A liberal college gives students a smaller learning setting which enables us to develop relationships with teachers and students. It’s much better than a major that’s strictly pre-med or pre-pharmacy. It’s very different from a non-liberal college. It helps develop relationships between the teachers and students. This is impossible at a school with over a hundred thousand students. I was not aware of how liberal this college was until my SOAR orientation. Courses like Philosophy and Psychology can be applied to life. In my opinion, high school wasn’t liberal enough. My friends and I would find ourselves asking, â€Å"When are we going to use this stuff?† and â€Å"Why don’t they teach us stuff that’s useful?† Where can we apply chemistry if we’re not a Chemist? I thank GOD for bringing me to HBU. When I graduate I know I will be well prepared for the world. The medical field is a stressful career. You really have to be well- rounded because you are dealing with people. As a nurse you have to understand your patients especially when you are in a nursing home. Overall, I am really enjoying this experience. HBU has this spirit that makes me feel great.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Temperature On The Membrane Permeability Biology Essay

Temperature On The Membrane Permeability Biology Essay Abstract The effect of various temperatures on the membrane permeability of Beta Vulgaris, more commonly known as the red beet, will be investigated in this experiment. Using seven different samples, each treated to a different temperature, it was possible to compare how temperature effects betacyanin secretion, which is not released under normal conditions. The amount of betacyanin pigments released was determined using light spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 475nm. It was found that an increase in temperature is related to the amount of betacyanin pigments which pass through the membrane. For example, at the temperatures 22 °C, 60 °C and 100 °C the values of absorbance were 0.0558, 1.285 and 1.401 respectively. This trend reinforces the belief that increases in temperature and the amount of betacyanin that is able to pass through the membrane is directly proportional because the membrane fluidity increases. Introduction Chemical structure of betanin, the most prevalent betacyanin in Beta Vulgaris (Sepà ºlveda-Jimà ©nez et al., 2004) Belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, Beta Vulgaris, or more commonly known as the red beet is a root vegetable (Rhodes, 2008), and is red in color, due primarily to the presence of betacyanin (Czapski et al., 1988). Although there are different types of betacyanins, the main betacyanin of the red beet is betanin, which is present in high concentrations (Sepà ºlveda-Jimà ©nez, 2004). The stability of Betacyanin is susceptible to a number of factors, such as: temperature, pH, oxygen, light, water activity and certain metal ions (Czapski et al., 1988). These factors account for the amount of betacyanin released, as under normal conditions it cannot pass through the selectively permeable plasma membrane. The plasma membrane of prokaryotic cells is a selectively permeable membrane composed of an amphipathic phospholipid bilayer with embedded lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. It is described as selectively permeable because certain things can pass through the membrane without being impeded by the phospholipid bilayer, while other substances are completely blocked from passing through the membrane. These membranes must remain fluid in order to work properly. As temperature decreases a membrane becomes decreasingly permeable until the point where it finally solidifies, causing the membrane to rupture. However, as temperature increases, the membrane becomes too fluid, as the channel and carrier proteins embedded in the membrane start to deform; causing more substances to leak and pass through the membrane (Reese et al., 2011). In this experiment, we observed the effect that various temperatures had on the membrane permeability of Beta Vulgaris. Since an increase in temperature causes the membrane of prokaryotic cells to become more permeable, along with increasing the rate at which molecules diffuse, it is expected that an increase in temperature will cause more betacyanin to pass through the membrane. As temperature decreases, the membrane permeability is also expected to decrease, until the point where the membrane ruptures, allowing the contents to flow freely out of the cell (Reese et al., 2011). The primary objective of this experiment was to investigate that effect that the different temperatures had on the membrane permeability of Beta Vulgaris. Methods Six uniform cylinders of a diameter of 1.0cm and a length of 3.0cm were cut using a cork borer. These cylinders of red beet root were placed under running cold water and rinsed for approximately 5 minutes. A previously frozen (-20 °C) sample of beet root was inspected to ensure a length of 3.0cm and then thawed to room temperature. These seven samples of beet root were then put in a solution of 10mL of distilled water. Then, one solution of Beta Vulgaris was placed in the fridge at a temperature of 3 °C, the previously frozen sample along with another fresh sample were left at room (22 °C) temperature and four samples were placed in water baths of 40 °C, 60 °C, 76 °C and 100 °C. These solutions were left to incubate at the test temperatures for fifteen minutes. Once finished their incubation period, the solutions were transferred into fresh cuvettes, extracting the Beta Vulgaris core in the process. Following this, a SpectroVis Plus spectrophotometer by Vernier, using L ogger Pro 3.8.4, was used to determine the absorbance of each sample at 475nm. This process was then repeated four times (Mitchell et al., 2012). First, to analyze this data, the data was compiled into tabular form. Following this, the mean absorbance of each treatment was calculated in order to account for the different value of absorbance in each trial. Using the average value of absorbance, we were then able to calculate the standard deviation for each trial. As the data collected was sub dividable, it was deemed to be continuous. Therefore, a line graph was produced with standard deviation error bars (Mitchell et al., 2012). Results Among the different temperatures in which the beet cylinders were treated, variation observed in values of absorbance was expected. As seen in Figure 1, the highest absorbance value was 1.604, observed at a temperature of -22 °C. Comparatively, the lowest value of 0.0558 was seen at a temperature of 3 °C. Three points of interest can be seen in the graph. The first occurs in the frozen sample where the absorbance is the highest value on the graph. Second, the absorbance readings at 3 °C and 22 °C were extremely close, 0.0558 and 0.0588 respectively. Finally, the absorbance reading at 100 °C does not follow the increasing trend of absorbance value established from temperatures 3 °C to 76 °C. The value, 1.401, was in fact lower than that of 76 °C (1.438) but greater than the value observed at 60 °C. It can be noted that a general trend can be established. As the temperature of Beta Vulgaris increased, the absorbance and therefore the amount of betacyanin, also increas ed. However, the frozen and 100 °C samples did not seem to follow this trend. Figure 1. The effect of seven different temperatures on the absorbance of Beta Vulgaris, calculated using light spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 475nm. Discussion As the betacyanin pigments present in Beta Vulgaris are hydrophilic and require storage in a vacuole (Mukundan et al., 1998), it is crucial that some sort of treatment be applied to the beet root in order to ease the release of the pigments. In this case, the temperature was changed in order to make the membrane of the red beet more permeable to the release of betacyanin. However, there are more efficient ways to increase the loss of pigment. As stated by Czapski (1998), an increase in pH would have a greater effect in the changes of colour attributes, while temperature would have a smaller effect. Therefore, if pH had been varied in this experiment rather than the temperature, it would have been possible to increase the pigment loss by Beta Vulgaris. Variation in the results can be the consequence of many factors; such as the age of the beet root sample, cores from different beets were used and the amount of time the samples were treated at the test temperatures. The age of the beet would have played a large role as the proteins in the sample could already be broken down before the experiments are performed, thereby decreasing the amount of betacyanin that could be released. Furthermore, throughout the different trials, cores from different beets were used. These cores contained different concentrations of betacyanin, therefore affected the amount of betacyanin which passed through the membrane. Finally, the amount of time the samples were treated was also an important factor. These solutions were supposed to be treated for fifteen minutes; however, if left under treatment for more time, the amount of betacyanin secreted by the Beta Vulgaris would increase. It can be concluded that as temperature increases above 3 °C, the amount of pigment, betacyanin, which was initially unable to pass through the membrane, released is proportional to the increase in temperature. This is caused by the membrane becoming too fluid while the channel and carrier proteins embedded in the membrane start to deform (Reese et al., 2011), causing leakage through the membrane. In another similar experiment, the researchers concluded that the amount of betacyanin released was proportional to an increase in temperature (Thimmaraju et al., 2002); however, only the change between 40 °C, 45 °C and 50 °C Beta Vulgaris samples was studied. In the case of the frozen sample, the result can be explained in terms of the cell membrane; when frozen, the membrane of the cell ruptures (Roquebert and Bury, 1993). This results in the betacyanin passing through the membrane with relative ease. This experiment established the general trend that as temperature increases, the amount of betacyanin which passes through the membrane also increases. Although, two points of interest occur at -22 °C and 100 °C, which did not follow this trend. At -22 °C the membrane ruptured (Roquebert and Bury, 1993), which allows the pigment to be released freely. While at 100 °C a declining trend is established as the samples lost their viability (Thimmaraju et al., 2002). Further research in the area of the membrane permeability of Beta Vulgaris should focus on the effects that pH has on the amount of betacyanin released, comparing these results to those which have undergone temperature treatments. Literature Cited Czapski, J., Maksymiuk, M., Grajek, W. (1998). Analysis of biodenitrification conditions of red beet juice using the response surface method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 46(11), 4702-4705 Mitchell, G, Roe, G., Beaulieu, G., and Creasey, D., Brand, D., Lisson, P., Marx R., and Metacalfe, R. (2012). Biology 190A Laboratory Manual. Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. Mukundan, U., Bhide, V., Singh, G., Curtis, W. (1998). pH-mediated release of betalains from transformed root cultures of beta vulgaris L. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 50(2), 241-245. Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., Jackson, R. B. (2011).  Campbell Biology (9th ed.). San Francisco, California: Benjamin Cummings. Roquebert, M. F., Bury, E. (1993). Effect of freezing and thawing on cell membranes of lentinus edodes, the shiitake mushroom. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 9(6), 641-647. doi: 10.1007/BF00369571 Rhodes, D. (2008, January). HORT410 Vegetable Crops.  Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Purdue University. Retrieved  October  12, 2012, from Sepà ºlveda-Jimà ©nez, G., Rueda-Benà ­tez, P., Porta, H., Rocha-Sosa, M. (2004). Betacyanin synthesis in red beet (beta vulgaris) leaves induced by wounding and bacterial infiltration is preceded by an oxidative burst. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 64(3), 125-133. Thimmaraju, R., Bhagyalakshmi, N., Narayan, M. S., Ravishankar, G. A. (2003). Kinetics of pigment release from hairy root cultures of beta vulgaris under the influence of pH, sonication, temperature and oxygen stress. Process Biochemistry, 38(7), 1069-1076.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Truth of the Myths of Nature :: Philosophy Nature Papers

Truth of the Myths of Nature The term "nature myths" designates narratives presenting what-is as intelligible in terms of value and meaning. Such narratives function to motivate ecological activism by articulating such presuppositions as the conviction that what we do matters, destruction of nature is intrinsically wrong, and the possibility of nondestructive human beings. However, such narratives motivate only if they are regarded in some sense as true. The question is, in what sense? Not in an objectivist sense (e.g. von Ranke), since value-even if intrinsic-is a subject related reality. Not in an idealist sense (e.g. Cassirer), since they respect the autonomy of reality. Nor in a "depth" sense of expressing an alleged "essential condition of guilt" (e.g. Heidegger and Patocka), since this would remain a positivist description, albeit one level removed. Instead, I propose treating nature myths as orienting the world (e.g. Jaspers) and guiding human components therein. As such, nature myths can be said to be tr ue (as in Ricoeur’s "adamic" myth) or false (as in the myth of "Man the Master") inasmuch as they provide or fail to provide adequate guidance for sustainable coexistence with all of the Earth. The purpose of this paper is to ask in what sense, if any, ecological nature myths can be said to be not only ennobling and moving, but also in some significant sense true, able to claim a validity independent of the assent of those who tell and hear them. I wish to use the term myth rather broadly to indicate not only the alleged spontaneous outpourings from the depth of our psyche, dear to romantically inclined philosophers and psychologists, but rather all narratives which describe the cosmos and the place of humans therein in terms of relations of value and meaning rather than in terms of mathematico-causal relations in spacetime. (1) In the quaint terminology of Husserl's Ideen II, they are personalistic narratives, rendering reality intelligible in terms of personal — that is, intrinsically subject-related — categories. (2) Such narratives in fact play a crucial role in the effort to forge a sustainable mode of coexistence between humans and the rest of the creation. Humans may select the means for dealing with ecological damage in the light of natural scientific analysis but they are moved to deal with it at all by mythico-poetic articulation rather than by theoretical reconstruction of their lived experience. Thus Rachel Carson, rigorous analytical chemist, moved her fellow humans by evoking their empathy through value laden poetic imagery.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Satire Comparing Mosquitos to Telemarketers Essay -- Mosquito Telemark

Just Like Mosquitoes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mosquitoes have three purposes in the world. The first is to suck blood from multiple diseased animals and spread various infections to humans. The second is to bug, annoy, and make as many people mad as possible. The third is to reproduce and make as many babies as they can to carry on the family tradition. To make a parallel to this topic would like discussing telemarketers. Nearly every aspect of a mosquito has a direct connection to telemarketers such as their nearly countless numbers and their drive to topple the American will. Both of these entities still baffle scholars and researchers to how they happen to be so similar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Certain things in this world tend to bug us more than others. The worst of these are mosquitoes and telemarketers. Some of the worst ways mosquitoes annoy the American Public are the millions of bug bites we are covered with every year and the downright angering noise that they make. This drives us to exterminate this annoyance by doing the only logical, and smartest, thing we can come up with: Kill Them. Now, with telemarketers it is different, yet practically the same. These bloodsucking fiends keep calling and calling till we have no more energy to answer the phone. They bombard us with stupid products and pointless advertisements that drive us to the limit. Since we can’t kill telemarketers without severe punishment, we are forced to do nothing. The result, tactic, and drive of the telemarketers go hand in hand...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Racial Profiling in America Essay -- Black Lives Matter Essays

On February 4, 1999, Amadou Diallo, an unarmed 22 year-old immigrant from New Guinea, West Africa, was shot and killed in the narrow vestibule of the apartment building where he lived. Four white officers, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss, Edward McMellon and Richard Murphy fired 41 bullets, hitting Diallo 19 times. All four were members of the New York City Police Department's Street Crimes Unit, which, under the slogan, "We Own the Night," used aggressive "stop and frisk" tactics against African- Americans at a rate double that group's population percentage. A report on the unit by the state attorney general found that blacks were stopped at a rate 10 times that of whites, and that 35 percent of those stops lacked reasonable suspicion to detain or had reports insufficiently filled out to make a determination. Thousands attended Diallo's funeral. Demonstrations were held almost daily, along with the arrests of over 1,200 people in planned civil disobedience. In a trial that was moved out of the community where Diallo lived and to Albany in upstate New York, the four officers who killed Diallo were acquitted of all charges. (â€Å"Persistence† 21) Racial Profiling is any police or private security practice in which a person is treated as a suspect because of his or her race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. This occurs when police investigate, stop, frisk, search or use force against a person based on such characteristics instead of evidence of a person's criminal behavior. It often involves the stopping and searching of people of color for traffic violations, known as â€Å"DWB† or â€Å"driving while black or brown.† (Meeks 17) After 9/11, racial profiling has become widely accepted as an appropriate form of crime prevention. People were s... ... as far back as any of us can remember. Racial profiling stems from racism, and fear of people who are different, ethnically and culturally, than the person making the judgments. Sadly, it spreads even further than that, and clouds the judgment of the people who are in positions of authority, even when they come from the same ethnic background. Racism, classism, sexism and all the other –isms combine to create trends such as these, which affect more than just the person being judged; it affects their families, friends, neighborhoods, communities, etc. Like all other issues that deal with the problem of –isms, the only way to change the dominant perception is to change the way people are programmed throughout life and their experiences. Until that day, no legislation or rule is going to change the way people feel about the minority, or perceived lower class, group.

Food Critique History Essay

Food history is an interdisciplinary field that examines the history of food, and the cultural, economic, environmental, and sociological impacts of food. Food history is considered distinct from the more traditional field of culinary history, which focuses on the origin and recreation of specific recipes. Food historians look at food as one of the most important elements of cultures, reflecting the social and economic structure of society. Food history is a new discipline, considered until recently a fringe discipline. The first journal in the field, Petits Propos Culinaires was launched in 1979 and the first conference on the subject was the Food & History is a multilingual (French, English, German, Italian and Spanish) scientific journal that has been published since 2003. Food & History is the biannual scientific review of the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food (IEHCA) based in Tours. It publishes papers about the history and culture of food. The review Food & History is the biannual scientific review of the Institut Europeen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation / European Institute for the History and Culture of Food (IEHCA) in Tours, France. Founded in 2003, it is the first journal in Europe, both in its vocation and concept, specialised in the specific field of food history. Food & History aims at presenting, promoting and diffusing research that focuses on alimentation from an historical and/or cultural perspective. The journal studies food history (from prehistory to the present), food archaeology, and food culture from different points of view. It embraces social, economic, religious, political, agronomical, and cultural aspects of food and nutrition. It deals at the same time with questions of food consumption, production and distribution, with alimentation theories and practices (medical aspects included), with food-related paraphernalia and infrastructures, as well as with culinary practices, gastronomy, and restaurants. Being positioned at the cross-roads of the humanities and social sciences, the review deliberately promotes interdisciplinary research approaches. Although most contributions are concerned with European food history, the journal principally also welcomes articles on other food cultures. Food & History is a fully-fledged academic journal which applies the usual methodical instruments for assessing incoming articles, i. e. a double-blind reviewing process by external referees, recruited from a large and ever-growing intercontinental pool of experts in the field of social and cultural food studies. Food & History belongs to a decreasing spectrum of journals which openly expresses its European and international character by accepting manuscripts in five European languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German). Food & History gains official recognition from the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and is indexed by the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) of the European Science Foundation (History category B). Food & History can be published thanks to the financial support from the Ministere de l’Education nationale, Ministere de l’enseignement superieur et de la recherche, Universite Francois-Rabelais de Tours, and the Conseil Regional du Centre. [edit] History Food and History was created by a network of academic researchers and students, with the help of the French Ministry for National Education and the University of Tours. The journal is sustained by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)[1] and is cited by the European Science Foundation in its European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)[2]. The launch of Food & History was on the one hand a logical fruit of the foundation of the European Institute for the History of Food in December 2000 in Strasbourg (redefined in 2005 as European Institute for the History and Culture of Food), and on the other hand a clear manifestation of the gradual breakthrough of social and cultural food studies as an independent field of research during the first decades of the 21st century. The emergence of this sub-discipline had, of course, been anticipated in an impressive record of food-related research, conducted by scholars from adjacent fields, such as e. . economic history, agricultural history, history of the body etc. However, the scholars behind these pioneering works were generally operating on a rather individual base and they would not have defined themselves as food historians. It was only with the foundation of the journal Food and Foodways in 1986 and of the International Commission for Research into European Food History (ICFREH) by Hans-Jurgen Teuteberg in Munster 1989 that a first infrastructural framework for social and cultural ood studies was provided. In the decades around the turn of the century, a lot of new food-related research initiatives became visible, thus demonstrating the vitality of this research area. In 1997, the Department of History at the University of Adelaide established a Research Centre for the History of Food and Drink. In 2001, a new web-journal The Anthropology of Food was launched and in 2004 the American Association for the Study of Food and Society re-launched a journal, entitled Food, Culture and Society. Around the turn of the century, due to – amongst others – new appointments in the editorial board, the research interest of the journal Food and Foodways changed in a two-fold sense: on the one hand â€Å"it shifted away from familiar disciplines (history, sociology, ethnology) toward ‘unexpected’ones (communication sciences, linguistics, tourism)†, on the other hand it became increasingly dominated by Anglo-Saxon input, especially from scholars from the USA, whereas the influence of the traditional French research schools significantly diminished. Some scholars argue that this ‘exotic’ publication strategy of Food and Foodways may have led to the launch of the new food history journal Food & History. Be that as it may, it was from the very start of the European Institute for the History of Food obvious that this new Europe-wide food research initiative should be accordingly accompanied by the launch of a new publication platform. And so happened: three years after its foundation, the IEHA announced the introduction of a new journal, Food & History, which still appears under the aegis of IEHCA, represented by its director Francis Chevrier (series editor). It started with a 7-persons board, consisting of four historians, one sinologist, one sociologist and Secretary Christophe Marion. As from volume 4. 2 (publication year 2006), the editorial board was almost doubled, with the addition of a philologist, archaeologist, classicist, and three historians. After a transition period and the appointment of a new secretary in 2007, the journal has been increasingly professionalised, amongst others by the introduction of a new uniform style sheet (link) and by the application of a comprehensive peer reviewing system (starting with volume 5. 1). These assessments are usually carried out on an entirely honorary base. However, by way of acknowledgement, the names of external referees are regularly published, usually in the last issue of each volume. Another development that bears witness of the increasing professionalisation of the journal was the change in its direction. During the initial period, Massimo Montanari had served as editor in chief, but in 2008 the editorial board declared itself openly in favour of a new dual leading structure, which rotates among the board members, giving each tandem a triennial turn (which is once renewable for another turn of three years). During a transitional year (2009), Montanari was accompanied by Allen Grieco and Peter Scholliers, who in the subsequent year took over the torch of the journals direction. Yet another step towards further professionalisation was the introduction of a group of corresponding members as from 2010, with the aim to represent the journal’s interests in different world regions and to establish a permanent flow of food research related information between these regions and the journal’s â€Å"headquarters†.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Life of Pi and Religion Essay

The Grapes of Wrath has many Religious parallels to the bible. The characters are paralleled with people from the bible, some easily recognizable. Also the Grapes of Wrath is during the Great Depression which can be an allusion to the horrible treatments and suffering times the Israelist people had to deal with reflects to this time period. The plot of John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, can easily be related to many biblical references as well as it could be applied to the daily struggles of the lives of Christians. Two particular portions of this novel stick out more than any other. Those are the characters of Jim Casey and Pa Joad. Jim Casey reminds me of Moses from the bible because in the bible Moses lead thousands of people out of harsh treatments and slavery and led them to the promises land Canon. Where Steinbeck could be referring the Joad family as the people who followed Moses and Jim is viewed as Moses who tries and lead them to a safe place where they won’t suffer anymore. Throughout The Grapes of Wrath, religious symbols crop up, explaining the significance of the section. One use of symbolism is that when on the road to California, Tom runs in to a snake. Already used in the novel is the fact that to the Joads, California represents a place of great wealth, freedom, and prosperity. It is a Garden of Eden, so to speak. The Garden of Eden had a serpent who brought the Wrath of God upon Adam and Eve. The serpent gave them with the forbidden fruit. California is forbidden to outsiders and migrants. No Okies allowed. The snake represents the Eden Serpent and its betrayal to Adam and Eve. California will betray the Joads.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lack of Security Essay

The Net has a very little security of information embedded and the companies using the Net are subjected to the risk of disclosing large proprietary information without their knowledge. Since the Net was originally designed for a free flow of communication there was no provision for any regulation or security at the time the idea of internet was conceived and put to use. But with the increased use of internet for marketing as well as for advertising there are lot of chances that the copyrights and other property rights are infringed by many computer hackers and pranksters. With the number of people accessing and using the net the chances of anyone go into the Net and meddle with the information and other contents though manipulation by using pirated software and other measures. Even though there are some basic measures that can be used to safeguard the information and to prevent the practice of manipulating such information they are considered as inadequate considering the volume of information that are being fed into the Net every hour. The other disturbing factor is that it is possible for unauthorized users to get into the internal computer systems of the systems and hack away any classified information about the company and its products/services. There is the danger of the copyright protection also put to jeopardy â€Å"when the creation of intellectual property and the upload of a host of information, transmission, access and use of content† is attempted. (Business Europe, 1995) For instance the issue of computer hackers meddling with the internal computer system had costed millions of dollars of business apart from losing the customers for Sheraton Hotels when the hackers booked every room in the hotel chain worldwide. (Seal, 1995) Another serious threat posed by the hackers is their ability to access the customers’ personal information like addresses and credit card numbers and misuse them. This menace had necessitated many software and high tech companies to invest millions of dollars to arrive at solutions to make the interactive shopping on the internet fully secured. ‘Firewall’ is one of such mechanisms that allow the genuine customers to do their shopping online but prevents the hackers from creating any problems. Firewall is one of the combinations of ‘security algorithms and router communication protocols’ that are put to use for the prevention of the tapping by the outsiders into the databases and websites of various corporate entities. (Sales and Marketing Management, 1995) Firewall acts as a buffer in between the internal networks and larger external networks. It is the usual practice of all large companies that advertise on the internet to have firewall in place to protect their internal database and other networks. (Pugh 1995) Encryption is another method used to provide security to the marketing through internet. Encryption can be described as the scrambling of digits and a coding that can be deciphered by the intended receiver of the information who will be able to retrieve the required information. ‘Mosaic’ is one of such encryption programs adopted by the Netscape Corporation for its software and is first of its kind. However even this program is not considered 100 percent safe with its own shortcomings. (Computer World 1994) Hence the companies are forewarned to protect themselves as well as their products and services against the infringement by hackers and other illegitimate users of the internet. It is crucially important that a well designed copyright warning notice appears on every screen, logos and slogans and the companies should also ensure that all of them are registered with the appropriate authorities to ensure protection. Even though it is easier and less expensive for the companies to advertise through Net, it requires a large investment for the customers to access and browse through the Net. If the customers want to have a continuous access to the Net it becomes important that they own a personal computer with appropriate internet connectivity. It involves high cost for the common users. The customers sometimes find it difficult to access the required information due to the fact that most of the modems – the equipment to provide the internet connectivity – are slow and do not allow the customers to use the Net efficiently. Also with the advancement in the technology relating to the visual media enables the companies to make their advertisement with advanced multimedia features. This requires the capacity and compatibility from the computer hardware and hence making the marketing proposals by internet beyond the reach of the common man. Since the marketing through the internet reaches all the age groups it becomes difficult for the managers to control the advertisements effectively. It may be noted that at least 50 percent of the users of the Net is below the age of 25 and the balance above 25 and the advertisements reach all of them invariably. Hence targeting a certain age group becomes difficult. Unlike the conventional methods used for advertising in the magazines and other print media or television the advertisement through internet cannot be measured precisely to aim a certain age group or class of customers. Since the nature of the Net is such that it is so broad and beyond comprehension it is difficult for the companies to really assess whom to target and how to advertise to reach the targeted audience. Further since there are a number of resources in the internet it is not possible for the users to see the advertisement for a certain product or the advertisements from a particular company unless they are prompted to do so. This necessitates a company to still use the conventional methods of advertising which have proved to be more proactive in addition to advertising through the Net. Applying the above advantages and disadvantages of marketing through internet in our instant study of the marketing of the Indian Punjabi music it can be inferred that though the advantages of internet marketing are helpful in furthering the sales of the music products, the disadvantages like file sharing and P2P swapping of music files act to the detriment of the sales growth. But the influence of internet is much large that the advantages resulting from the sales to a wider customer base over rules the disadvantages. This makes the record companies use more and more of the internet as a media of marketing to improve the sales of their products.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Long Way Gone Study Guide Essay

1.What does Ishmael say the war is about? Ishmael says nothing about the causes of the war, or what each side was fighting for, or of the overall political and social conditions in Sierra Leone that caused the war. This was a deliberate strategy on the part of Beah, the author. He wanted to present the war through the eyes of a child. As a boy of twelve, when the war first affected him, he had no interest in politics. He had no reason to be interested—his main interest, understandably for a boy of his age, was in singing and dancing to rap music and hanging out with his friends. When the war comes to him, it is for him a battle for personal survival, not a political cause. He is also fueled by feelings of revenge—instilled into him by his army officers—against the rebels because they killed his family. Once again, these are personal feelings not political beliefs. For the reader, then, transported to a land he or she knows nothing about (for the American reader, that is), the war seems not only almost un imaginably brutal but also meaningless. It consists of one side mindlessly killing the other, and vice versa, in skirmishes in small villages. Ishmael does report Lieutenant Jabati’s speeches to his men, in which he says they are defending their country (â€Å"We kill them [the rebels] for the good and betterment of this country† [p. 123]), but such appeals to patriotism are not what inspire Ishmael. Ishmael’s ignorance of politics is again stressed when he is in Freetown during his rehabilitation and sees a convoy of cars and military vans. He is told that the new president, Tejan Kabbah, who had won an election eight months earlier is passing by. â€Å"I had never heard of this man,† Ishmael writes pointedly. This confirms the tenor of the book as a whole: Ishmael is a boy caught up in a war he knows nothing about for a cause he does not care about. 2.Why was the war fought and what course did it take? During the 1980s Sierra Leone was a one-party state governed by the All-People’s Congress (APC) party. However, this period was marked by extensive government corruption and abuse of power. Although Sierra Leone is rich in natural resources it became one of the poorest countries in the world because of mismanagement. The civil war in neighboring Liberia helped to create conditions for war in Sierra Leone because a Liberian war leader reportedly sponsored the rebel group called the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) as a way of destabilizing Sierra Leone, which at the time was a base for a United Nations peacekeeping force. The war broke out in 1991 in villages in eastern Sierra Leone that were near the Liberian border. The aim of the RUF was to seize and control the diamond sector, and in 1991 it took control of the diamond mines in the Kono district. (It is the mining area around Ishmael’s home town of Mogbwemo that the rebels seize in 1993.) In 1992 a military coup took place that established the National Provisional Ruling Council, replacing the civilian government. However, the new military government was powerless to prevent the RUF from controlling much of the country. It was the years immediately after this, from 1993 to January 1996, that Ishmael was a soldier. The war continued after Ishmael was rescued from it, as he himself found out when he went to stay with his uncle in Freetown after his rehabilitation. There had been an election in April 1996, and a civilian government had taken power, but in May 1997 there was another military coup, and the new military government known as the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) invited the RUF to participate in it. The following year, when Beah was safely in the United States, the military government was ousted and the civilian government restored. But this did not stop the violence as the AFRC and its RUF allies fought to regain power. Fighting returned to Freetown in 1999, before a peace accord was signed in July 1999. But this did not last, and the war dragged on, finally ending in January 2002, with the civilian government in charge. According to the CIA’s World Factbook, the civil war resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than two million people—about one-third of the population of Sierra Leone. 3.What is the situation in Sierra Leone today? According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Sierra Leone is gradually returning to a fully democratic government following the ravages of the civil war. There was a general election in 2007 that led to one civilian government being peacefully replaced by another. The nation has also tried to come to terms with the recent past. In 2002 the government set up a Special Court to try those responsible for war crimes during the civil war. It also set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Special Court indicted many of those held responsible for the atrocities. Some died before they could be tried, but in June 2007, the Special Court found three men guilty of war crimes, including not only murder, terrorism, and enslavement but also the act of conscripting or enlisting children under fifteen into the armed forces. As refugees from the war are slowly returning from neighboring countries, the Sierra Leone government is trying to create jobs and end political corruption. Revenues from diamond mining have increased significantly since the end of the war. Diamonds account for about half of Sierra Leone’s exports. However, Sierra Leone, with a population estimated in 2009 as 5,132,138, remains an extremely poor country with wide disparities in how wealth is distributed. According to the World Factbook, â€Å"The fate of the economy depends upon the maintenance of domestic peace and the continued receipt of substantial aid from abroad.† 4.How widespread is the use of child soldiers? It would be comforting to think that the forced conscription of children into the armed forces during the war in Sierra Leone was an aberration, not something that can happen again in the modern world. However, that is not the case. Even in the twenty-first century, the use of child soldiers is common in armed conflicts around the world. According to Human Rights watch, an international nongovernmental organization, as of 2007, there were an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children fighting in various wars. According to a Global Report published in 2008 by the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, at the end of 2007 children were used as soldiers in seventeen armed conflicts around the globe. The coalition noted that this was down from twenty-seven conflicts in 2004, but the downturn was more because the conflicts had ended than because child soldiers were no longer being recruited. The Global Report identified the following countries where children were recruited for paramilitaries, militias, civilian defense forces or armed groups linked to or supported by governments: Chad, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Iran, Ivory Coast, Libya, Myanmar, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Uganda. The most flagrant offender, according to the Global Report, is Myanmar, where the government uses thousands of children in its battle against rebel groups. In Uganda, tens of thousands of children have been forced into joining armies over a period of nearly twenty-five years. In some of these countries, including Uganda, girls as well as boys have been forced to become soldiers. There have in recent years been concerted international efforts to end the use of child soldiers. Sierra Leone, which has tried and convicted men responsible for recruiting child soldiers, has become a leader in this issue. The use of child soldiers has now been prohibited by international law. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict has been ratified by 120 states. The UN Security Council has adopted resolutions calling for the establishment of a monitoring mechanism on children and armed conflict. However, these and other prohibitions are no guarantee that when new conflicts break out, child soldiers will not be recruited. 5.Is Beah’s story factually accurate? A Long Way Gone achieved popular and critical success, but questions have been raised by some regarding the factual accuracy of a number of events Beah recounts in the book. Beah writes that his village was attacked in January 1993 and after that he became a refugee from the war. Critics claim that there are school records showing that Beah was in school later than this date, and that the village was attacked in 1995, not 1993. This would mean that Beah would actually have been recruited at the age of fifteen, not thirteen as he writes in the book. This would have meant that he was only a child soldier for a few months, rather than over two years. Some critics point to the structure of the book to confirm this. They point out that most of the book deals with Beah’s wanderings as a refugee and the months he spent in rehabilitation. Only two chapters (13 and 14) cover his actual experiences as a soldier (although he does present more incidents from his military service at various points in flashbacks). Questions have also been raised about the account Beah gives of the fight between the former boy soldiers at the rehabilitation home, in which several boys were killed. There are no independent reports of such a fight ever taking place. Some believe that Beah used others’ experiences as his own and that he embellished his tale. They point to his interest in creative writing at Oberlin College and the fact that his adoptive mother was a storyteller. The suggestion is that Beah was encouraged by those around him to tell a more vivid story. Others have more charitably suggested that Beah simply got his dates mixed up, and his memory may have been unreliable because on his own admission he was high on drugs most of the time he was in military service. Beah has vehemently denied that he invented anything, however. In an article published in Publishers Weekly in 2008, Beah wrote, â€Å"Sad to say, my story is all true.†

Friday, September 13, 2019

Managing Across Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Managing Across Cultures - Essay Example Along with the major changes in the structure and flow of business transactions today, developed countries continuously aim to increase their returns on investment not only by transferring the Western management practices all over the developing countries but also in learning more about the culture and sub-culture of other countries (Jaegar, 1993). One of the most influential research studies on cultural values was conducted by Geert Hofstede. In line with this, Hofstede conducted an extensive research study which involved 74 different countries all over the world where he identified the unique cultural values in each country using the five dimensions known as: high vs. low power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance vs. uncertainty acceptance, and short-term vs. long-term orientation (itim International, 2011; Tian, 2004, p. 18). Upon examining the culture and sub-culture in different countries, Hofstede concluded that â€Å"cul ture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy† (itim International, 2011). ... Sub-cultures in China Based on Hofstede’s research survey report, China’s score on Hofstede’s five dimensions include the following: PDI IDV MAS UAI LTO China 80 20 66 30 118 Source: itim International, 2011; Anonym, 2006, p. 4 Power Distance The rank of China’s Power Distance is 80. This figure is considered high as compared to the average score of 60 in other Far East Asian countries and the world’s average of 55 (itim International, 2011; Anonym, 2006, p. 4). As explained by Hofstede (1980), â€Å"Power Distance explains how different societies treat inequalities in social structure†. It means that people in China wholeheartedly accept differences in authoritative power within a hierarchy in the society and that people in China gives low importance on egalitarianism (Hunter and Tan, 2005, p. 210). This is possible because of the historical background of Chinese people who were accustomed in having a centralized government authority which f ollows the law of Confucianism (Schwartz, 2007, p. 121; Hu and Grove, 1999, p. 6; Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris, 1997, p. 42). To simplify the concept of Power Distance, this particular cultural dimension is simply referring to the norms that are heavily reflected in China’s economic and cultural background including the existing relationship between a typical husband and wife, relationship between the parents and their children, the way political issues are being managed and religious beliefs which significantly affect the progress of China’s economic condition (Tian, 2004, p. 19). A high score of Power Distance is pointing out the way businesses are formed in China particularly with regards to whom among the family members have